You might think
I’m just a rude-irresponsible-careless fifteen year old girl
with long dark brown hair and dark mysterious eyes,
But I know I am more way more than that.
Not superman or wonder woman nor a secret spy
A shadow. A just light shadow.
Colorless defines me, I stand beside another shadow, although,
Colorful defines this shadow.
You only see me when Light is near by
You only see me when The Colorful Shadow is by shining Light
Its mood changes constantly
The Colorful Shadow has fun in the Sun, it would sometimes play with me
Chasing me around, and I Running from it.
Together we are one, we are connected like a tree to a branch.
I follow along to wherever it goes.
Other times it questions why I’m there,but The Colorful Shadow knows
No matter what my purpose is, or what it thinks, I’ll always be there.
Day or Night we will always be connected.
The rube-irresponsible-careless fifteen year old girl has two Shadows
A Colorless, And Colorful, Questioned, and playful Shadow all in one Light.